Cosmic Kev


Paragon partnered with a small entrepreneur development business with the primary objectives of growing their audience base and selling an online course. The client faced significant challenges in growing their channel organically while simultaneously selling their course, a balance that required a nuanced strategy.

What We Did

To address the client's challenges, Paragon implemented a comprehensive strategy utilizing Paid Ads, Social Media, and Funnels. Our unique solutions included custom funnels, Paragon's proprietary marketing processes and testing, custom automations, and nurture sequences. Here are the detailed steps we took:

Viral Social Media Content:

We created engaging, high-quality content designed to go viral on social media platforms. This involved detailed audience research and targeting to ensure the content resonated with the intended audience and encouraged organic sharing.

YouTube Algorithm Optimization:

By leveraging YouTube’s algorithm, we ensured the client’s content reached a wider audience. This included optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags, as well as strategically timing releases to maximize visibility.

21x Creative and Audience Testing Process:

Paragon utilized a unique 21x creative and audience testing process, developed through over $10 million in ad spend. This process involved extensive A/B testing of various ad creatives and formats, optimizing placements, and utilizing lookalike audiences to expand reach without compromising lead quality.

Custom Funnels:

We developed and optimized custom sales funnels that effectively captured leads and guided them through the course purchase process. These funnels ensured a seamless experience from initial interest to final sale.

Custom Automations and Nurture Sequences:

Implementing custom automation sequences, including automated email campaigns, SMS reminders, and retargeting ads, ensured timely and personalized follow-ups. This significantly increased conversion rates by keeping potential buyers engaged throughout the decision-making process.


The project resulted in the following impressive outcomes:

  • Audience Growth: Over 12 million views and 200,000 followers organically
  • Course Sales: Achieved an 8x return on ad spend in course sales every month for the first 6 months

Specific Statistics:

  • Over 12 million views and 200,000 followers

Client Testimonial:
"Paragon transformed our approach to digital marketing. Their innovative strategies and relentless optimization efforts grew our audience beyond our expectations and drove substantial course sales. Their expertise and dedication are unmatched!"


  • Achieved significant results within 6-12 months

Significant Milestones:

  • Reached over 12 million views and 200,000 followers organically